Hey everybody. It’s Annalea Cornell here with Motivator Gator. And Eric is a marketing specialist. I might even go so far as to say he’s a guru.

I’m a business owner. I help businesses. Business owners and coaches develop courses and webinars for online presentations. And marketing is so important to me.

Well, as it is to you as a business owner. I met Eric a couple of years ago and met with him in person. We had several marketing conversations over the next couple of years, and I joined his mastermind group earlier this year.

And I am so glad that I can listen to this man and his wisdom every week.

I always learn something new, but what really tied it together was this weekend when we had this incredible workshop. Eric went into more depth than any marketer or business consultant I’ve ever known.

And believe me, I’ve known a lot over the years. He’s extremely knowledgeable.

He has experience in the industry, and it’s obvious that Eric loves helping business owners become successful. As business owners, we know that time is our most valuable commodity.

When you have a system in place, it frees you up to have personal time to do those other things that you’d like to do with your life or to grow your business and have more options available for you.

But you know what made this weekend special? But really, really special was the opportunity to take some breaks and work on our own individual system. Eric took the time to work with each of us, guide us, and then guide us as a group.

And there is nothing more valuable than that. I’m so excited to get back to my office, work on my own system, and start getting things back into place.

I’ve owned other businesses over the years, and those that are successful always have good, solid systems in place. So, if you’re not already on Eric’s email list, I encourage you to do it now.

And if you haven’t joined his mastermind group, do it now.

Eric Dahl
Eric Dahl

Eric Dahl is the owner of Dahl Integration Marketing and Founder of IndependentBusinessBuilder.com. He’s also a World-class Sales Professional, Digital Marketer Certified Funnel Expert, Automated Marketing System and Funnel specialist. He created IndependentBusinessBuilder.com to help one-person to mid-sized business owners build independent businesses that grow without them, so they have time-freedom to enjoy the good life. Not a 60+ hour a week job working IN their business. For more information about his Independent Business Method Implementation Programs, Coaching and Consulting Services that'll help you grow your business easier and faster, visit www.IndependentBusinessBuilder.com.

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